Category Rasberry Pi (rpi)


Automate homebridge backups on RPI

The article provides a guide for automating Homebridge backups on a Raspberry Pi, without using the UI. The guide also includes cron setup and backup file pruning and rotation. It can be utilised for backing up anything on a Raspberry Pi or linux system.


Raspberry Pi Scheduler not working

Finding that your Schedulers aren't working or aren't operating at the correct times on your Raspberry Pi? This simple fix may resolve it.

Common apps with issues:


RPI OpenVPN PIA Connection Check Cron Script

The following shell script will check your Raspberry Pi (RPI) openvpn connection periodically and automatically restart openvpn if the connection has stopped working. Handy when using RPI OpenVPN with Private Internet Access (PIA) and if you have connection instability.


RPI Deluge PIA Port Forward Script

Trying to get Private Internet Access (PIA) Port Forwarding working your Raspberry Pi (RPI) and Deluge - look no further this script will get you up and running. Also includes cron script to run this periodically.